Category Archives: General Notes

A glimpse of my 24th year of life and Guinness & Amazon!

It’s August 23rd and I’d like to share with you some moments of my 24th year by mentioning the two exciting packages I received from New York and Toronto. I haven’t published any posts in a while. During this time, I took some rest and traveled, and spent most of my time on my own…

Book Launch of “Rise Above Adversity”

On December 4, I’ll join Brian Tracy to formally discuss our joint book. Other authors are also present, and according to the latest statistics I received, thousands of people from all over the world have purchased tickets for this event. We were shocked in the very first moments because the publishing company and Amazon repeatedly…

We’ve done it! Here is “Rise Above Adversity”!

Writing a book with the legendary Brian Tracy can be the dream of any writer. We’ve done it! Here is Rise Above Adversity. This is the name of my joint book with one of the most famous and best-selling authors in the world. For years, I’ve written scattered notes on my cellphone, tablet, and laptop,…

The Book on Amazon Cover

Order now from Amazon!

You can purchase the book Covid Acts of Kindness from the world’s largest retail website. The book, which won one of the Guinness World Records, is now being released by e-commerce giants to people around the world. Finally, after months of round-the-clock effort, I can say that the work on this book is over. When…

Alireza and Elon T-Shirt Cover (2)

We are now Officially Amazing!

Finally, the result of our attempt was announced by Guinness World Records. The high and strict standards of this world-renowned center always make sending a formal statement a time-consuming process. “You are now officially amazing”, they told us. Well, since the end of the “September 1 Event”, I wanted to talk about the event day,…

Guinness Cover

Guinness Event on September 1

The subject of this event is COVID-19 and I’m gonna be present in it with the text that I’ve prepared for the book “COVID Acts of Kindness”. If all goes well, something historic will happen to me and some of the writers present at this event. Breaking the Guinness World Record! This event will be…

Body Language Cover

Body Language book

How can we understand the words of those around us? How can we make ourselves more lovable? How can have successful negotiations and even better performance when playing with our friends? The answers to these questions are very useful in the book “Body Language – Allan Pease”. To introduce body language, it should be noted…